School Policies
- Accessibility plan
- Anti-Bullying policy
- Attendance Local Arrangements
- Attendance Policy Appendices
- Behaviour policy
- Early Years Policy
- Educational Visits policy
- First Aid Policy
- Intimate Care policy
- Looked After Children Policy
- Online Safety (Local Arrangements)
- Pupils with Health Needs Attendance policy
- Pupil Premium Statement
- RSHE Local Arrangements
- Safeguarding Children & Child Protection
- School Dog policy
- Supporting pupils with medical conditions policy
- Uniform Policy
Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)
For any SEND enquiries, please contact a member of the Inclusion team via the school office.
- Esther Miller (SENDCo)
- Sarah Davies (Inclusion & Access Manager & DSL)
- Sharon McFee (Pastoral Lead)
British Values
Oldbury Park Primary School supports the British values of Democracy, The Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, and Mutual Respect and Tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs. We believe that this approach fully complements our values and ethos. Our daily assemblies play a crucial role in embedding these values within the school ethos. We take part in specific activities to promote these values. The School and Eco Councils are elected by the children and play an active role in the decision-making in the school. Our children are empowered to choose which charities they raise money for. We actively monitor children’s attitudes and behaviours and have robust procedures for identifying issues and taking action. All staff are trained to identify potential problems, such as radicalisation, and understand reporting procedures where pupils or staff fall short of our expected standards. Staff work closely with parents, carers and other professionals to make sure that our children are happy, well cared for and enabled to learn the skills they need to live a fulfilling life as part of our community.